What is the route of transmission of genital herpes?

Hello, as a sexually transmitted disease, genital herpes can be infected through sexual contact or other close contact with patients with genital herpes without any safety protection measures. Experts said that the main routes are as follows: 1) Sexual contact infection: through sexual contact with patients with genital herpes, accounting for more than 90%. Including sexual intercourse, passionate kissing and body-to-body hugs. The skin mucosa in genital area is thin and rich in blood vessels, and it is in a state of extreme congestion during sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse friction will cause slight damage and create conditions for the invasion of genital herpes virus. 2) Indirect contact infection: clothes, bedding, articles, articles, utensils, toilets and bath towels used by patients with genital herpes may be contaminated by the secretions of patients and carry genital herpes virus. Healthy people who live closely with patients with genital herpes are vulnerable to infection when small wounds come into contact with these infected items. 3) Blood-borne infection: Although some patients with genital herpes in the incubation period are infected with herpes virus, they may have no clinical manifestations, and healthy people or patients with other diseases may also be infected with genital herpes through blood transfusion or blood products provided by them. 4) Transmission through placenta: Pregnant women with genital herpes can transmit genital herpes to the fetus through placenta. Pregnant women suffer from genital herpes. If it is not found and treated in time, or the treatment is not thorough, the genital herpes virus can spread to the fetus through the blood circulation of the placenta, so that the fetus can be infected with genital herpes. Chengdu Ximen he cheng Dermatourology Hospital: "Gene targeted triple therapy" is a special treatment for recurrent sexually transmitted diseases, such as condyloma acuminatum and genital herpes. Compared with traditional treatment methods, this treatment method has good curative effect and no side effects, rewriting the history of recurrence of sexually transmitted diseases such as condyloma acuminatum and genital herpes.