Rabies vaccine: a life-saving straw
If you are bitten by a mad dog, rabies vaccine can be a lifesaver.
Diphtheria vaccine: a must
After close contact with diphtheria patients, diphtheria vaccination is also essential.
Tetanus Vaccine: Protecting Newborns
Tetanus vaccine can effectively protect newborns from tetanus. When is the best inoculation time? Before labor 1 month!
Pregnant women are not suitable for vaccination.
Such as measles vaccine, BCG vaccine, pertussis vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, etc., are not necessarily suitable for pregnant mothers.
Communicate with epidemic prevention doctors
When pregnant mothers receive the notice of vaccination, remember to communicate with the epidemic prevention doctor and tell them their pregnancy, disease history and allergy history, so that the doctor can help you make the best decision.
Pay attention to vaccination
For the health of herself and her baby, pregnant mothers must pay attention to vaccination! Remember to communicate with the doctor in time and make the wisest choice!