(1) Listening to a concert with headphones for a long time leads to deafness coming 30 years in advance, and it is generally difficult to find that one's hearing is declining, because the hearing loss is generally in the middle and high frequency stage, and the audiological examination is generally sensorineural deafness, which will not show sudden deafness and will not be treated in time, so it is generally found that the treatment opportunity will be missed.
(2) Causing nervous tinnitus
(3) Frequent dizziness and headache, even pain when the ear is touched, which can lead to physical and mental dysfunction in severe cases.
It is understood that when the volume heard by the human ear exceeds 85 decibels, it will cause hearing fatigue after a long time; When the volume is as high as 1 10 dB, it is enough to kill the hair cells in the inner ear. The volume output of headphones is generally about 84 decibels, and some high-frequency ranges can reach 120 decibels. Loud voice and long listening time will affect the auditory nerve, cause excitatory poisoning, and the autonomic nerve function will be disordered. In addition to tinnitus, it can also lead to symptoms such as anorexia and insomnia. Among all noises, impulse noise, like MP3, is the most harmful to hearing.