(Curse/spell/charm ) spell (Magic Wands) wand (Elder Wand) old wand (Elder Wand) (one of the Deathly Hallows) (Cloak of Invisibility) cloak of invisibility (one of the Deathly Hallows) (Resurrection Stone) resurrection Horcrux (Horcrux) Horcrux (Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's Stone) Philosopher's Stone (Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's Stone) Mirror of Erised (Marauder's Map) Marauder's Map of the Living Spot (Time Turner) Time Turner (Sorting hat) Sorting hat (Cloak/cape) Cloak, cape (Parchment) Parchment (Quill) Quill (Pensieve) Meditation basin (Robe) Robe (Howler) Howler (Broomstick) Broom (Silver Arrow) Silver Arrow, an earlier version of the Flying Broom (Cleansweep 7, a slower model of school broom (Nimbus 2000) Lightwheel 2000, a newer model of flying broom (Nimbus 2001) Lightwheel 2001, a newer model of flying broom (Firebolt) Firebolt, the newest and best of the brooms (Daily Prophet) The newspaper of the wizarding world (the Quibbler). The Quibbler, Luna's father's editorial magazine, ridiculous news, stood in solidarity with Harry when he was on the run Hogwarts Express, fueled by a mysterious substance that emits purple flames Knight Bus-- the bus you don't want to ride. -The last bus you'd want to ride in because it's bumpy and Ron has been known to throw up from it (Portkey) Door key (Floo Powder) Flyway powder, used to travel swiftly in the fireplace (need to say your destination accurately and clearly to get there) (Vanishing Cabinet) Vanishing Cabinet, there's a pair of identical ones that transport people or things from one place to the next. (Vanishing Cabinet) Vanishing Cabinet, a pair of one-of-a-kind cabinets that teleport people or things from one place to another (the Hand of Glory) An ancient Western witchcraft technique in which the hand of a hanged prisoner is soaked in mandrake to make it glow. But only the possessor can see the light. (Wizarding Wireless Network) Pocket Sneakoscope A spyglass that glows and shrieks when approached by untrustworthy people. (Cauldron) Crucible (Phial) (Liquid) Vial (Scales) Balance (Triwizard) Memory sphere that turns red to remind you when you forget something (the Goblet of Fire) Cup of Fire, used in the Triwizard Tournament to choose warriors
Spell Names
(Alchemy) Alchemy. (Animagi) Animagus, a wizard who can shapeshift into animals (requires registration with the Ministry of Magic) (Apparating) Phantom Shift/Physical Manifestation (the key word is "3D") (Avada Kedavra) Avada Kedavra, an illegal dark spell, the Unforgivable Spell - which spares no one except Harry and Voldemort. Except for Harry and Voldemort. (Cruciatus Curse Heart Drill Curse, an illegal black magic spell, one of the Unforgivable Curses. (Imperious Curse, an illegal black magic spell, one of the Unforgivable Curses. (Dark Mark, a skull in the air, used when someone is killed, patented by Death Eaters. Disapparate, Divination, Fidelius Charm, Four Point Spell, a directional spell that makes the tip of a wand point north. Impediment Curse, an obstacle spell that slows down and stops trespassers. (Leprechaun Gold) Disappear for hours (Occlumency) Cerebral Closure (Parseltongue) Serpent's Cave (ability to speak with snakes) (Patronum) Patronus spell to combat Dementors (Petrifact) Petrify all (Petrifact) Full-body Binding Spell (Reductor Curse) Pulverize, Crush, to open the way, shatter solids (Shrike). Shield Charm iron armor spell, temporary wall to deflect spells Side-Along-Apparition follower Transfiguration Unbreakable Vow unbreakable Vow Morsmordre reappearance of bones, manifestation of dark mark Unforgivable Curses Unforgivable Curses Unforgivable Curses (Heart Drill, Soul Snatchers, Avatar) Mobilicorpus Phantom Manifestation
Magic Spells
(Note: These original spells are actually in Latin, not English) Accio ... ... fly Aguamenti clear water like a spring Alohomora Alohomora Araho open Aparecium Haste to appear Avada Kedavra Avada demand life Avis Flock of birds Cave inimicum Surrender to the enemy's traps Colloportus Fast confinement Comfundo Confound the mind Crucio Deletrius Densaugeo Diffindo Diffindo Diffindo Disillusionment Dissendium Enervate Quickly revive Engorgio Quickly enlarge Expecto Patronum Expulso Flying sand and stone. Expelliarmus Remove Your Weapon Finite Finite incantatem Flagrate Flagrate Furnunculus Geminio Geminio Homenum revelio Impedimenta Impedimenta Imperio Soul Out of Body Impervius Incarcerous Incarcerous Incendio Incendio Flaming Liberacorpus Golden Bells Legilimens Regaining Minds Levicorpus Inverted Golden Bells Locomotor Moving Locomotor Mortis Legs Standing Stiff and Stopped Dead Lumos Maxima Fluorescent Flashes Metelojinx recanto Cloud Spell Withdrawal Mobiliarbus Shifting Illusion Nox Nox Obliviate Obliviate All is Empty Orchideus Orchid Bloom Pack Pack Peskipiksi Pesternomi Peskipiksi Pestenomi Petrificus totalus Petrify all. Point Me Show Me the Way Portus Mentos, turns objects into door keys Prior Incantato Flashback Curse Protego Armor Protect Protego totalum Totalum Protect Quietus Whisper Reducio Reducio Reducto Bone Crushing Relashio Reparo Restore as Before Repello Muggletum Muggle shielding Rictusempra grinning grinning grinning grinning Riddikulus funny grinning Salvio hexia peacefully guarding Scourgify clearing up new Sectumsempra divine blade shadowless Serpensortia oolong coming out of the hole Silencio silent silent Sonorus Stupefy Fainting Tarantallegra Tarantallegra Tergeo Unplottable Unplottable Waddiwasi Wingardium Leviosa Wingardium Leviosa Glisseo Slide Flat Duro Phantom Tablet Muffliato Closed Muffliato Muffliato Muffliato Langlock Oppugno Oppugno Tergeo Skeleton is reproduced Skeleton is reproduced Corpse is reproduced
Magical potions
Amortentia Felix Felicis Mandrake Restorative Mandrake Restorative Polyjuice Potion Veritaserum Wolfsbane Potion Baruffio's Brain Elixir Dittay Blood-Repienishing Potion Potion (Blood-Repienishing) Everlasting Elixir (Everlasting Elixir) Love Potion (Love Potion) Calming Draught (Calming Draught) Lucky Medication (Lucky Medication)
Professional title
(perfect) Aurors (Aurors specializing in catching black wizards) (Aurors specializing in catching black wizards) (Aurors specializing in catching black wizards) (Aurors specializing in catching black wizards) (Aurors) (Bonder) Witness (Champions) Warriors, who represent the school in the Triwizard Tournament (Death Eaters) Death Eaters (followers of Voldemort) (Mudblood) Mudblood, a term of contempt for wizards born to Muggle families (not Purebloods) (Muggle) Muggle, a non-magical human (Squib) Mute, born to a wizarding family, though not a Pureblood. (Squib) Dummy, born into a wizarding family, though without magical abilities. (wizard/witch) wizard
magical coinage
(Galleons) galons (sailing coins), gold coins (Sickles) sicos (scythe coins), silver coins, 17 silver sicos = 1 gold galon (Knutes) nates, copper coins, 29 copper nates = 1 silver sicos
departmental stores
the Ministry of Magic St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injurises Improver Use of Magic Office禁止滥用魔法司 the Leaky Cauldron破釜酒吧 Auror Headquarters Auror Command Eeglops Owl Emporium Misure of Muggle Artefacts Office Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items Division Flourish and Blotts Gringotts' Wizarding Bank Gringotts' Wizarding Bank Knockturn Alley Tumble Alley Diagon Alley Diagon Alley Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions Madame Malkin's Robes Boutique Azkaban (Wizard Prison) Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Duemstrang Institute Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the Chamber of Secrets Hogsmeade Hogsmeade (wizard town) Three Broomsticks Three Broomsticks the Hog's Head the Hog's Head Honey Dukes Honey Duke's Candy Shop the Room of Requirement the Shrieking Shack the common room public **** lounge the Dark Forest the Burrow The Ugly House Godric's Hollow Number Twelve Grimmauld Place Grimmauld Place
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Dumbledore) Albus is Latin for white, as Dumbledore is the white wizard who opposes the dark lord Voldemort. Dumbledore means "bee buzzing" according to Rowling herself. Percival means warrior and piercing the curtain. Obviously, Dumbledore was a warrior who fought valiantly against the forces of darkness! And "piercing the curtain" is intriguing because the curtain is a symbol of the boundary between life and death in Western culture. Does the piercing of the curtain mean that Dumbledore has the ability to transcend life and death like the Phoenix? The meaning of Wulfric (Wulfric) being that there is no uniform interpretation. Some analyze it as having the words Wulf (wolf) and Ric (strength). But others believe that the word originated from Beowulf, the hero of the Norwegian epic, who had twice defeated the demon Grendel, while Dumbledore's greatest victory in his life was over Gellert Grindelwald, the first Dark Lord, in 1945, but it seems that Gellert had a certain relationship with Dumbledore, and in the end Dumbledore also did not kill Gellert, but imprisoned him for life. It is thought that the name Wulfric is a Norwegian epic poem used by Ms. Rowling, who studied Classics at the University of Exeter, as a metaphor for Dumbledore's great achievements against black magic, mindful of the power of his magic. Brian comes from the Irish word for "strength, virtue" and is also used to refer to Irish men. The word encapsulates two aspects of Dumbledore's "greatness" - ability and virtue - and is also likely to hint at Dumbledore's Irish heritage. Severus Snape Severus is Latin for stern, which fits Snape's character. And Rowling says that many saints are called Severus. but actually, Snape is just the name of a small village in England. Snape is only one letter away from the word snake in English! No wonder Snape is the Dean of Slytherin. Remember, though, never make any absolute assertions about Snape without having read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. You have to think carefully about the man. Minerva Mcgonagall Minerva is usually translated as Minerva, the goddess of wisdom in Roman mythology, which is the equivalent of the goddess Athena in Greek mythology. A dean of Gryffindor (and later elected principal of Hogwarts School), she is very strict with her students and teaches Transfiguration at the wizarding school. But she also sincerely hopes that Harry can defeat Voldemort, and that Harry can become an Auror. Professor Binns Binns is pronounced very close to Been, which in English is the past participle form of the verb BE. This professor is the only current ghost professor at Hogwarts and teaches the most boring history of magic. It is also indeed in the past tense! Sibyll Trelawney Sibyll is the Greco-Roman title for the prophetess who was inspired by Apollo, the sun god, to make languages and teach Divination. However, many students did not like her and her and the class (e.g. Harry). Ribus Hagrid According to Rowling, Hagrid is an Old English word for "bad night" or "bad night's sleep". Hagrid often has a bad night's sleep because of his drinking. Hagrid is a half-blood giant (his mother was a giant, but his father was not) who was a student at Hogwarts before being expelled on false accusations by a young Voldemort, and was made an administrator at Hogwarts before being promoted to professor of the Protection of Magical Creatures class. A good friend of Harry, Ron and Hermione. Remus John Lupin Lupin comes from the Latin root LUP, meaning wolf - LUPINE is "wolf-like man" and LUPUS is "jackal". It is said that the inhabitants of the Normandy region of France sometimes called the werewolf "LUPIN". Lemus is even more interesting, it is the name of one of the twins fed by the she-wolf in the Roman legend, the cute little wolf cubs! Though a werewolf, he is very gentle with his students, he used to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Harry's 3rd year and taught Harry to use the Patronus spell. Also Lupin is a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He was killed in the second battle of Hogwarts. Alastor Moody Alastor is the Greek mythological demon of vengeance, while Moody means moody in English and was an Auror who died. Argus Filch Argus Filch is an English verb meaning "to steal", while Argus is a 100-eyed gargoyle from Greek mythology. Mr. Filch is a mute, Hogwarts administrator who often sneaks around and observes the behavior of the students, and longs to punish them with torture (such as giving the Weasley brothers a brutal beating with a whip), which seems to be his hobby. He became Umbridge's favorite aide during his time in power. As a result he became the most unpopular member of the school's faculty. Godric Gryffindor Gryffin is a Greek mythological winged beast with the head of a griffin and vulture, and dor means "made of gold" in French. "Gryffindor" refers to the winged griffin, God means "God" and -ric is a suffix meaning "jurisdiction, domain". Godric means "God's dwelling place". The symbol of Gryffindor is the lion Salazar Slytherin Slytherin is derived from the word "Slithering", which is a portmanteau of slithering like a snake. The symbol of Slytherin is the snake. Rowena Ravenclaw The Ravenclaw is the claw of the raven. The symbol of Ravenclaw house is the hawk (eagle). Helga Hufflepuff (赫尔加-赫奇帕奇) Hufflepuff, from the English Huff and Puff. both words are related to blowing, in which Huff as a noun also means angry, and the symbol of Hufflepuff College is Badger (獾), Badger as a verb also means to pester, annoy, and noisily, and is tightly related to anger. anger in a very tight relationship.
Hermione Jane Granger from Shakespeare's work "The Winter's Tale", also an anagram of Hermes. Today's popular philosophical term "hermeneutics" is also named after Hermes, so it's no wonder that Hermione is known for her wit and wisdom in the novels. Draco Malfoy Malfoy is a variation of the French Mal foi, meaning bad faith. The family, forced to become Death Eaters, are by nature good.Draco is Latin for dragon and snake, and in English means the constellation Draco, in keeping with the tradition of naming dark wizarding families after constellations. Draco was also the name of an extremely brutal legislator in ancient Athens. Luna Lovegood Luna means "moon goddess", which is very reminiscent of her purity, beauty and mystery, and Lovegood, which is a bit of a stretch, but still means love, goodness, and the root of the word Luna means "crazy", and Lunatic means "crazy". Lunatic means "crazy", which fits the character of this child. Luna is a student at Ravenclaw Academy, a member of the D.A., and participated in the Battle of the Division of Mysterious Things and the Second Battle of Hogwarts. Fleur Delacour Fleur Delacour is a French word that directly translates to mean a flower of the court, and by extension, a noblewoman. Since Fleur is pronounced like phlegm (sticky phlegm) in English, to show her displeasure, Ginny often refers to her as such. Tom Marvolo Riddle is Voldemort's childhood and Hogwarts name; Riddle means "riddle" in English, and as soon as you see it, you know Rowling is going to play with words.
Sirius Black Sirius is the star Sirius, often referred to as the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. In Greek, Sirius means burning. And Blake is "black". His Animagus is the black dog, which was once thought to be a symbol of bad luck and "ominous". Harry Potter's godfather and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Died at the hands of his damned cousin Bellatrix in the Battle of the Division of Mysteries. Lord Voldemort Voldemort is derived from the French word Vole de mort, "flight of death" or "flight from death". No wonder old comrade Voldemort thinks about immortality all the time. And "I am Voldemort (I am Voldemort)" this word, is changed from Tom Marvolo Riddle, just the order of the letters changed a bit, Voldemort's past Tom Riddle has not been like their own name Tom, that it is too common, so switched the letters, from Tom Marvolo Riddle (Tom), to Tom Marvolo Riddle (Tom), to Tom Marvolo Riddle (Tom). Marvolo Riddle (Tom. Riddle) to I am Lord Voldemort to show that he is different. Peter Pettigrew The name Peter is so common that it seems to have no special meaning. Pettigrew means "very small", and the name can be split into Pet I grew, which means something like "I became a pet"! Originally a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Pettigrew was coerced by Voldemort to defect, which led to the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Jaime. Lucius Malfoy Lucius is close to Lucifer, as is Draco. Lucius was also the name of a very brutal legislator in ancient Athens. He was a Death Eater. Narcissa Malfoy Narcissa comes from the Greek mythological character of the young man who had a narcissistic complex and fell in love with his own shadow in the water. Narcissa means daffodil and represents narcissism. It is the wife of Lucius Malfoy. Rita Skeeter The word skeeter is related to the verbs "scamper", "scatter", and "creep" that belong to beetles. creep". An unregistered Animagus, a reporter for The Prophet's Forecast. Merope Riddle Part of Merope's name, May, means May, and there is a saying among wizards that "May-born witches marry Muggles", and Merope married Muggle Tom Riddle, Sr. It is not known if Merope was born in May, but the May in her name seems to suggest it. imply something. Hestia Jones Hestia Hestia is the goddess of Vesta in Greek mythology. One of the members of the Phoenix Society.
Wand Description
Harry: eleven inches, holly wood, phoenix feather, soft and flexible. This feather came from Dumbledore's pet Fawkes, who had another feather in Voldemort's wand. Holly wood is often used as a weapon because of its property of precision, and is therefore often seen as a symbol of battle, protection and confrontation with evil. Since holly is an evergreen plant, it often represents endurance and patience. In Christian tradition, holly symbolizes death and rebirth, which is why holly is the symbol of the holly wreaths that everyone hangs on their doors at Christmas. Hermione: It's made of grapevine wood and dragon heart tendon cords, size unknown. Ron (old): Cherry used an old wand that was a bit tattered, with unicorn hair peeking out of the end. It was nearly snapped off at the battering ram and later had to be repaired with clear glue, causing the magic to bounce back and make Lockhart lose his memory. Ron (new): fourteen inches, willow wood, unicorn hair. Doesn't seem to have played any particular role. Jaime Porter: eleven inches, mahogany, core unknown, pliable, good for warping. Mahogany is strong and durable and extremely protective. The book's description of "excellent for transfiguration" is supposed to be an allusion to Jaime's Animagus. Lily Potter: Ten and a quarter inches, willow, good for spells. Willow has long been a symbol of death and unhappy love, but it also represents flexibility and wisdom, which suits Lily's intelligence. Willow wood is also associated with intuition, dreams, visions, observations and emotions, and somehow explains Lily's emotional side when she gave up her own life to save Harry. Neville (old): is his father's old wand, material unknown. Neville (new): cherry wood, unicorn hair, size unknown. One of the last wands Ollivander sold. Autumn Chang: made of sandalwood, about 9 inches, wand core unknown. Cedric: twelve and a quarter inches, yellow cenwood,male unicorn hair, very flexible. Yellow Cenobium is the wood of knowledge, purity and truth, and is sometimes referred to as the "Unicorn Tree". It is also sometimes rumored to repel poisonous snakes and heal snakebites. The unicorn is a symbol of purity and innocence. Hibiscus: Nine and one-half inches, yellow sandalwood, muiwa hair, unbendable. Rosewood symbolizes beauty, the power of love and the heart. Meiwa's hair, which belonged to Fleur's grandmother, represents temperament and resembles Fleur's personality. Krum: Ten and a quarter inches, Gooseberry, Dragon Heartstring, hard and thicker than most wands. Gooseberry is also known as musclewood, which translates directly into Chinese as "muscle wood", clearly symbolizing toughness, toughness but roughness. Hagrid: Sixteen inches, oak, core unknown. The power of oak is masculine - strong, powerful, persistent, determined. The wand was broken when Hagrid was expelled from school, then repaired and hidden in a pink umbrella, seemingly with little effect on the magic. Dumbledore: old wand (death stick or wand of destiny), elderberry wood and Night Tiara tail feathers, size unknown. Legend has it that it is an invincible wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows, and has been possessed by several owners. Before Dumbledore, it belonged to Gellert Grindelwald, a close friend Dumbledore made in his hometown after graduation. It was later taken by Voldemort after Dumbledore's death. But did not really belong or obey Voldemort. Later identifies Harry Potter as the master, but Harry reburies him back into Dumbledore's grave after using it Voldemort: thirteen and two-tenths inches, yew wood, Fawkes' feathers, extremely powerful. Twin wand cores with Harry's wand Due to the toxic sap it contains, yew is often associated with magic and death. The yew is often associated with magic and death because of its poisonous sap. When the outer layer of the yew dies, a new tree grows from the center, so it is considered to be the "tree of immortality" and a symbol of the reincarnation of the soul. Celtic priests used the yew as a symbol of immortality. There are several yews planted next to the graveyard where Voldemort was resurrected, which may have some connection to his resurrection. Bellatrix Lestrange: walnut and dragon's nerve, twelve and three-quarters inches, not easily bent. Lucius Malfoy: elm wood, dragon's nerve, dimensions unknown. (later used by Voldemort, came to a pitiful end). Draco Malfoy: exactly ten inches, hawthorn wood, unicorn hair, moderately resilient (later seized by Harry Potter, turned to obey Harry Potter). Was once the owner of the old wand, but he didn't know it and "never even touched it." Peter the Dwarf (new wand): chestnut wood and dragon's nerve, nine and a quarter inches, brittle (forced to make it after Ollivander's kidnapping).