"BMJ" fermented bean products reduced the mortality by 65438 00%.

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By Walter

Introduction: Soybean is rich in protein, fiber, unsaturated fat and isoflavones, which have mixed effects on health. In a specific diet, soybean can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and play an anti-cancer role; Some components in soybean can regulate metabolism, which is beneficial to patients with cholesterolemia and obesity; However, some people with physical constitution consume too much soybean, which may cause flatulence, hypothyroidism and estrogen effect.

Asian countries consume a large number of bean products, such as tofu, lobster sauce and soy sauce in China, natto (fermented by Bacillus subtilis) and miso (fermented by Aspergillus oryzae) in Japan. Previous studies have shown that eating fermented bean products can reduce the incidence and overall mortality of cardiovascular diseases. In order to confirm this conjecture, the in-chip research group of the National Cancer Research Center of Japan conducted a prospective study on 1 10,000 people, and during the follow-up of nearly 15 years, investigated the effects of fermented bean products such as natto and miso on human health and longevity. The results were recently published in the British medical journal BMJ.

The subjects were 45-74 years old people with no history of major diseases, including 42,750 males and 50 females165. During the follow-up of 14.8 years, the researchers investigated people's eating habits, lifestyles and health status through questionnaires, and obtained death information from the community. The researchers found that compared with people who didn't eat fermented bean products, the overall mortality rate of people who used to eat natto and miso decreased significantly by about 10%, but the total soybean intake had nothing to do with mortality.

Screening of survey population

In addition, in male population, the increase of soybean intake of fermented bean products is significantly related to the decrease of mortality caused by cardiovascular factors. Amazingly, fermented bean products are usually high-salt foods. For example,100g of miso contains at least12.4g of salt, which is recognized as the inducing factor of chronic diseases and death. The increase of miso intake also means the increase of salt intake. However, studies show that people who love miso have the same risk of hypertension as healthy people, which shows that fermented bean products can partially offset salt.

Researchers believe that the bioactive components in fermented soybean products are the key to their health benefits. With the increase of fermented fiber content, the effect of lowering cholesterol is more obvious than that of ordinary soybeans and their products. The increase of potassium content is good for heart, muscle and nerve. Especially after fermentation, a series of peptides produced by protein decomposition can effectively protect the cardiovascular system and have a significant effect on reducing cardiac dysfunction and mortality.

This observational study proves that eating fermented bean products is indeed beneficial to health, but the cause and effect need more research data to support it. Many countries have included fermented bean products in their dietary guidelines. For example, Rhizopus fermented bean products developed in Indonesia are recommended by Finland as a substitute for meat. The eating habits of fermented bean products vary from culture to culture. Prove and develop fermented bean products suitable for national physique and food culture, which will protect people's health from the details of life!

References: Ryoko Katagiri et al.: The relationship between sulfur dioxide and fermented sulfur dioxide products intake and total mortality and specific cause mortality: a prospective cohort study. BMJ. 29 2020 1 month.