What is the significance of maintaining energy balance?

Under various physiological conditions, most of the energy intake comes from the chemical energy contained in food, while the expenditure includes the energy contained in feces, urine and digestive tract gas, the special thermogenic effect, the energy consumed to maintain basic life activities, production and foreign work. The total energy of the first trophic level is the energy absorbed by the second trophic level plus the energy of excreta and the energy decomposed by decomposers.

Energy balance does not require everyone to balance energy intake every day, but requires that the average energy consumed by adults tends to be equal to the average energy intake within 5-7 days.

conservation of energy

According to the law of conservation of energy, the ratio of income energy to expenditure energy of a system in a specific time. The system mentioned here refers to an objective physical entity that exists for energy balance within a certain organizational scope.

In terms of scope and objects, energy balance includes energy provided by primary energy and secondary energy, as well as various forms of energy carried by working fluids and substances, including heat, light, electricity, force and other energy. The most widely used is the energy balance in the form of thermal energy, which is called thermal balance. There is also the concept of conservation of energy in physics.