After Zhongpu Town, we arrived at Lintao County. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, and the vegetation is scarce. In Gansu, the loess on the mountain is bare, there is not a tree on the mountain, and even the grass is pitiful, just like a naked giant, desolate and tragic. The valleys and ravines are criss-crossed, and Shan Ye is silent, so any life seems small and powerless under the harsh natural environment here. In the mountains of Fengxian County, the so-called barren hills are actually covered with all kinds of shrubs, spikes and other thorns. There are almost no traces of life in the barren hills here, and the earth and stone are as hard as steel. Flax is planted in this valley, which is an oil crop and farmers are harvesting it.
Riding slowly uphill, the scorching sun made us sweat. We crossed the Qidaoliang tunnel and entered the Lanzhou border, all the way downhill. After passing through Xiguoyuan Town and entering Lanzhou City, more people wore masks along the way. We know that the epidemic is far from over.
We found a restaurant and had a mixed meal. Riding in downtown Lanzhou is quite difficult. Although there are bicycle lanes, they are either uphill or downhill, and sometimes they have to drill tunnels.
Lanzhou and Yan 'an are a little similar. They are two mountains and a river, narrow and long. 15, finally arrived at Lanzhou Railway Station. When we got off the bike, Hu Ming and I both put on masks.
I bought a train ticket at 22 o'clock tonight with Alipay, and the fare is 72 yuan. It is cheaper to take the train at night, which can save accommodation and time for one night.
Hu Ming and I went to ZTO Express to mail bicycles, and we had to transfer them to Fengxian County, Baoji. I think every 65 yuan is cheaper.
It's too early to send bicycles. Hu Ming wanted to take photos at the gates of various universities, so I let him go. After playing with my mobile phone for an hour at the railway station, I was bored, so I saved my backpack and took the No.6 bus to the landmark building of Lanzhou-Zhongshan Bridge.
Zhongshan Bridge, I am confused about this name. If it is to commemorate Sun Yat-sen, the railway bridge was built in the late Qing Dynasty or by the Germans. It is said that even the materials for building the iron bridge were shipped from Germany. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, Japanese planes bombed Lanzhou, taking the iron bridge as the key bombing target, but it failed, which shows that the iron bridge is strong.
In front of the railway bridge, tourists are bustling, the water of the Yellow River is soaring, and the turbid waves are surging. There are neither yachts nor sheepskin rafts on the water, which is somewhat empty.
Look at mobile navigation, there is a waterwheel park not far away, but I was disappointed when I arrived. Because of the skyrocketing water in the Yellow River, the Waterwheel Park was closed and there was no waterwheel in sight.
Moving on, I saw the sculpture of the mother of the Yellow River in the distance. This sculpture is devoted to Lanzhou people's deep affection for the Yellow River. The sculpture is small, but there are many tourists taking pictures. I also approached the sculpture and took a selfie.
In the twilight, the willow trees are shaded, the cool breeze is blowing gently, the beach is covered with dark clouds, and Lanzhou City has become a sea of lights. There are flying kites with lights in the sky, dotted with foggy nights.
Look at the time, it's past 8: 00, so I took a bus to the nearest railway station according to mobile navigation. I asked Hu Ming, who took photos at the gates of several universities. Lanzhou University is not far from the railway station. In the afternoon, I'm going to take pictures. I didn't feel humanistic and didn't go at last.
Entering the railway station went smoothly. I checked my health code, swiped my ID card and waited in the waiting room. Hu Ming suddenly called and said that the others were already on the train. It is estimated that he will miss the 22 o'clock train. He asked me if I could change his ticket to 23 o'clock. I opened Alipay, but I could only find my ticket. After replying to him, Hu Ming finally changed his ticket on his mobile phone.
I got on the train at 22 o'clock and my heart was completely relaxed. Tonight is another sleepless night. When the bus arrived in Dingxi, Hu Ming had got on the train. We will meet in Baoji tomorrow morning and take the train from Baoji to Guangyuan to go back to our hometown.