What are the environmental hazards of throwing away plastic bags?

White pollution" has become a major environmental problem, the main culprit of this pollution problem is people in the massive use of plastic bags. Today, food bags, tea bags, chemical bags, cooking bags, pesticide belts, seed bags, etc. are almost all plastic bags. Plastic bags are prevalent, plastic bags have been integrated into the daily life of modern people, it can be said that the use of plastic bags has been "pervasive". The abuse of plastic bags have caused what harm to the environment?

First, plastic bags cause "visual pollution", affecting the beauty of the urban environment. We can see from time to time, a variety of colors of discarded plastic bags were discarded in the city streets, tourist areas, waters, seriously affecting the beauty of the environment.

The second is the harm of plastic bags to rural areas. People more than see the impact of plastic bags on the urban environment, but ignored the impact of plastic bags on rural areas. Plastic bags, plastic film and other waste plastic products mixed in the soil continues to accumulate, will affect the crops to absorb nutrients and water, resulting in crop yield reduction. Plastic bags discarded on land or in water bodies are swallowed by animals as food, leading to animal death. Sheep like to eat plastic bags wrapped in oily residue, but often even the plastic bags eaten together, due to eat the plastic for a long time to stay in the stomach is difficult to digest, these sheep's stomach is crowded, can no longer eat, and finally can only be alive and starve to death. Such things are common in zoos, pastoral areas, rural areas and oceans.

Third, most plastic bags are difficult to degrade, which is an important reason for the plastic bag "white pollution" problem. If you let the waste plastic bags in the environment continue to accumulate, will produce great harm.