Virus double mutation, crematorium bed oxygen vaccine is not enough, the Indian epidemic, how come?

One is that the Indian government has prematurely let down its guard, and the other is because the people of India do not have enough awareness of the epidemic.

India's healthcare system is on the verge of collapse, with a shortage of beds and oxygen.

Public and private hospitals across India are facing severe difficulties with clinical positioning and much-needed medical oxygen. Many hospitals in the north and west, including the capital, New Delhi, have issued emergency notices saying that oxygen provided for new patients can only be used for a few hours. Indian health officials have also acknowledged that the country's medical equipment is overwhelmed and hope the Indian government will increase the supply of medical oxygen in the coming days.

Millions gather to party as people in India ignore anti-epidemic regulations.

On March 28, 2021, India celebrates a traditional festival. Traditionally, on this day, people depict their bodies with a variety of paints to express their blessings. In the Indian state of Bihar alone, tens of thousands of people attend this carnival, and most of the people attending the festivities do not wear masks, much less have the proper social distance. The gathering of thousands of people was literally a hotbed for the spread of the new crown. Then it was in time for the traditional Indian festival held every 12 years in India? The Festival of the Great Kettle? This festival is also very large and lasts for several weeks at a time.

India is a religious country and the number of religious followers in India is extremely large.

Although India has been restricting the gathering of crowds and wearing masks when going out, there are still many people who do not implement it. In addition to this, there are many traditional festivals in India, which groups have massive crowd gatherings, just a simple engagement will bring millions of people together, so it's only natural that the epidemic would bounce back with such a large crowd gathering.

Also, India is a country with a new crown vaccine.

Common sense would dictate that there shouldn't have been such a massive outbreak of the New Crown vaccine when it became available, but India has a population of 1.3 billion with a vaccineable rate of just over 1%. Clearly, this is a dereliction of duty on the part of the government, in whose eyes vaccines are something to make money, not something to save the lives of their own people.