Bed Explanation: The beds set up for patients, travelers, and lodgers in hospitals, ships, and group homes.
Bedside manner: 1. He provided me with a bedside manner.
2. This hospital has 300 beds.
3. Beds on ships can be booked many days in advance.
4. How does the hospital arrange beds by planning capacity?
5. Both the poor and the merciful God were benefited by their kind of panic, because the honorable MP also set up two beds, one **** into twelve.
6. He suggested that acute inpatient beds should be given great priority over community mental health and that the duration should not be so short.
7. If you are going to share your bed, make sure there is enough room for two people.
8. Hospitals do not have enough beds to cope with the number of casualties, whether in emergency admissions or intensive care units or operating theaters.
9. A fifth of NHS beds are used in the elderly care program, at great expense. But surveys have shown that hospitals are often the last place frail and dying people want to go.
10 You can browse these web listings to find out about and talk to landlords online, and then look for overnight beds.
11. Hospitals in China often have 2,000 or more beds and handle tens of thousands of outpatient visits per week.
12. The problem for critical care nurses is whether hospitals will have enough beds available when the second wave of the virus hits.
13. This year alone, Beijing plans to add 15,100 nursing home beds, a 43 percent increase.
14 More supportive housing and specialized shelter beds are opening up for the chronically homeless as an alternative to the chaotic and worrying general shelter system.
15, According to the U.S. Navy, the medical facilities aboard the Kearsarge include four operating rooms, 13 intensive care beds, 40 ward beds, a laboratory, X-ray unit and a blood bank.
16, This guardhouse held roughly 500 people, with twelve beds per room, all of which were clean.
17, The inn is divided into two rooms with ten beds each, one of which is filled with students from the University of Belgrade.
18, Church or civil organization hospitals, which account for 44% of hospital beds in the region, perform 3039 (55%) of pediatric surgeries.
19. By the end of the year, the number of beds in the estate's retirement homes will have tripled to 700 and will probably be full.