Based on the adverse event on whether or not to occur and after the occurrence of the harm caused in the patient or medical staff will be divided into 3 levels of nursing adverse events.
1, the first level of adverse events: refers to have occurred, resulting in the death of the patient, disability, tissue and organ damage leading to dysfunction, exacerbation of the condition, delayed recovery of the event, or one of the following circumstances, namely, nursing fault behavior caused by the effective complaints or disputes; outbreaks of hospital-acquired infections; surgical identity site identification error; left in the body of the surgical instrument; the patient's death due to accidental events. .
2, the second level of nursing adverse events: refers to have occurred and increased the patient's pain, but the patient's condition and treatment results have no impact on the event, and the degree of harm to the patient of the event is divided into no harm, mild harm, moderate harm and heavy trial harm. The above 10 categories of situations in addition to the 8 and 9 categories of situations, its she has occurred and involved the patient but not yet reached the first level of nursing adverse events are included in the scope of this level.
3, the third level of nursing adverse events: refers to hidden events, is due to inadvertent or real-time intervention, adverse events did not really occur or events do not involve the patient, or non-nursing behavior caused by the event (such as public **** facility events, medical equipment and devices events).
Categories of adverse events:
Category 1 Adverse Treatment: includes medication administration errors, blood transfusion errors, medical infection outbreaks, incorrect identification of surgical identity site, surgical instruments left in the body, and transfusion and transfusion reactions;
Category 2 Accidental Events: includes falls, falling out of bed, wandering away, scalded, burned, self-inflicted injuries, suicides, fires, thefts, biting through a thermometer, and poor restraints;
3 types of doctor-patient communication events: including doctor-patient arguments, physical assault, fights, violent behavior, etc.;
4 types of dietary, skin care adverse events: including aspiration / choking, swallowing into a foreign body, nosocomial pressure ulcers, medically induced skin injuries;
5 types of poorly assisted diagnostic and examination, patient transfer events: including identification errors, specimen loss, examination or transport or after the condition of a sudden change
6 adverse plumbing care events: including tube slippage, patient self-extraction;
7 occupational exposure: including needlestick injuries, cuts;
8 public **** facility events: including hospital building damage, ward facility failure, vandalism, hazardous material leakage;
9 medical equipment and devices events: including medical material failure, Instrument failure, instruments do not meet the requirements of sterility;
10 categories of adverse events in the supply room: including disinfection of the items did not meet the requirements, heat source test positive, the operation of the instrument package found to be inconsistent with the instrument items.