In general, people's perceptions of stingy companies may vary depending on their personal experiences and opinions. However, here are some common characteristics of what might be considered a stingy company:
1. Unfair pay packages: Stingy companies may show stinginess in employee pay. They may offer lower rates of pay, not give reasonable opportunities for raises or distribute bonuses and benefits unfairly.
2. A careful spending policy: Stingy companies may be extremely cautious about all kinds of expenses, unwilling to invest enough money in necessary equipment, training, office environment improvements, etc. This can lead to a feeling of resource deprivation among employees. This may result in employees feeling a lack of resources, affecting productivity and satisfaction.
3. Lack of Employee Benefits and Welfare Programs: Stingy companies may show stinginess in employee benefits. They may offer limited benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid vacations, or cut costs in these areas.
4. Struggling to provide training and career development opportunities: Stingy companies may have limited investment in training and career development opportunities for their employees. They may be reluctant to provide ongoing training and further education opportunities, or they may be unwilling to support employees to advance or develop within the company.
5. Provide few benefits and incentive programs: Stingy companies may lack incentives and rewards programs to provide employees with the motivation and rewards of positive work. They may lack proper recognition and rewards for their employees' contributions and efforts.
It is important to note that these characteristics do not apply to all companies, and people's perceptions of whether a company is stingy or not may vary depending on their personal values and expectations. A company may be perceived as stingy in some ways, but may show generosity and caring in others. Therefore, judging whether a company is stingy or not requires a combination of factors and a judgment based on individual needs and values.