How to draw a handbill on the epidemic is simple and beautiful

Simple and beautiful New Crown Epidemic Handbill Drawing as follows:

Tools / raw materials: white paper, pencils, colored pencils.

1, first of all, in the center of the white paper to draw a new crown epidemic handbill title and use a red paintbrush to trace the edge.

2. Draw a new crown virus to the left of the title of the New Crown Epidemic handbill and draw a prohibition sign in front of it.

3. Draw a small, soft cloud to the right of the New Crown Epidemic handbill title.

4. At the bottom left of the New Crown Epidemic handbill title, draw a square content box.

5. Draw another square content box at the bottom right of the new crown epidemic handbill title.

6. Draw a rectangular content box below the two content boxes.

7, in the white paper in the lower left corner of the blank part of the drawing of a statement holding a statement wearing a protective suit of white soldiers.

8, in the white paper in the lower right corner of the blank part of the drawing of a doctor wearing a white coat.

9, in the middle of the three content boxes, draw a doctor, nurse and ordinary people wearing masks. Simple and nice new crown epidemic handbill is completed.