(A) Soilless culture room finishing disinfection
Soil-less culture, a pretty new term. What is soilless culture? What equipment is needed. When we first followed Ms. Deng to the Biological Garden, we saw the soilless culture room that had been built in our school long ago. It was like a transparent semicircular plastic house with an arched roof made of water pipes and covered with a transparent plastic sheet. The door had a window screen. Walking that little house, we found the floor covered with a layer of fine sand, with three side-by-side sinks connected by foam boards, but they were already very untidy, and the floor between the sinks was paved with plastic flooring in two aisles. Ms. Deng said, these three pools are filled with nutrient solution, which is connected with the three sinks, and there is a motor in each pool, Ms. Deng said, when the motor is turned on, the nutrient solution in the pools will automatically flow to the opposite pools, and then flow back to the pools, and the cycle repeats itself. We were guided by Ms. Deng. Under Ms. Deng's guidance, we began to organize the soilless culture room. We pulled weeds, picked up leaves, swept up garbage ...... then replaced the foam boards and plastic films in the three tanks with new ones, filled the pools with fresh water, patched up the holes in the transparent film on the roof, and repaired the locks ......... ...everything is ready, just waiting for the seeds. (ii) Seedlings After some discussion, we decided to try our hand at planting some vegetables we were familiar with first. So we asked Ms. Deng to help us apply to the school for some vegetable seeds. We waited and waited, and we were so happy when we finally got the seeds. Those seeds are cucumber, white melon and tomato. The seeds of cucumber are long, and the seeds of white melon are smaller than those of cucumber, and the seeds of tomato are round. The tomato seeds are round and flat. We're going to plant them all. We went into the shade house, which had a lot of weeds in the sand and some wildflowers. We went in and pulled the weeds first, and pulled and pulled, and finally got the front one done, and there were still some in the back that we hadn't finished. While we were pulling up the back, Ms. Deng watered the sand and put some wood chips on the sand to mix with the sand. We wondered why the wood chips were there. Oh, it turned out that it was to make the seeds germinate better. So we started planting the seeds of the three plants. First of all, we used the tip of the spade to make small grooves in the sand, then Ms. Deng gave us some cucumber seeds, and we spread them evenly in the grooves, and then we put in the white cucumber seeds and tomato seeds, and then we took the water hose and poured water on top of the seeds in the sand. Finally, we dug some sand with a shovel to cover the seeds and watered them again. And we came back happy. In the following days, we came to water the seeds every day and carefully observed the changes: sprouting, breaking through the soil, growing leaves, and growing taller....... On the 12th day, the cucumber's leaves had grown to three and were ready to be transplanted to the trough. (C) Transplantation Transplantation is an important operational stage of soilless culture, how to do a good job in this stage? We do it like this: first uproot the seedlings that have grown to about 5 centimeters high, pay attention to pulling with the help of a small shovel, don't hurt the roots, and then bring them to the soilless room, first put the seedlings in a black frame with many small holes in the middle and bottom, let the roots droop down from the holes underneath, and then carefully put the set of seedlings into the round holes on the foam board, and put them into the soilless room at intervals of one. one at a time. Turn on the motor of the sink to circulate the water into the trough, and the transplanting is done. (D) Preparation of nutrient solution Three days after the seedlings have been transplanted, we take out some seedlings and see that the roots have grown well, indicating that the transplanting has been successful, so the next step should be to strengthen the seedlings with nutrients so that they can grow quickly. This requires the preparation of a nutrient solution for them. The preparation of nutrient solution has very strict requirements, and different plants need different fertilizers, different portions. So Ms. Deng came to prepare it herself. We saw Ms Deng with a balance scale to weigh, first weighed 750 grams of white fertilizer, and then weighed 1250 grams of yellow compound fertilizer, put them together in a basin, plus some water, just over the fertilizer. Then Ms Dunn put on plastic gloves and just put her hands into the basin and stirred it, until the fertilizer was all dissolved. Then it was poured into the sink. The nutrient solution is thus prepared. (E) build the support After the nutrient solution is prepared and put into the pool, we found that the seedlings grow very fast, day by day, in the blink of an eye, cucumber seedlings are sticking out a tentacle, to climb upwards.Ms. Deng said that it is time to build a shelf for them. According to Ms. Deng's suggestion, we want to take the nearby materials, the dead bamboo in the biological garden saw down to use to build shelves on the line, so we saw up, saw a few, we found that we can not saw, Ms. Deng is also very hard. Then we suggested to report to the school to help us buy some bamboo. Bamboo bought back, we first cut them into 100 pieces of 1 meter 2 long, and then use a hammer to cross them diagonally nailed to the sand next to the sink, and then tied with wire firm, the shelf above the whole bamboo connected. With the shelves in place, our seedlings will be able to grow quickly.
Three research results
Through more than two months of research experiments, we successfully carried out the cucumber, white melon, tomato soilless culture experiment, now, cucumber growth is encouraging, is expected to one month after the fruit, then you can taste the fruits of our labor. White melon and tomato also grow normally. From this study we draw some conclusions: vegetables are suitable for soilless cultivation. Our experimental operation has reached the technical requirements of general soilless culture.