What's the difference between picoseconds and ultra picoseconds? Why is picosecond a little better?

There are a lot of picosecond and ultra picosecond laser devices on the market, but when it comes to picosecond, it usually refers to the PicoSure of Sanosu, while ultra picosecond refers to the PicoWay of Sanolon.The difference between the two is threefold:

The first one is a different background, which has just been stated;

The second one is that the wavelengths of the two picosecond devices are different, and the difference in wavelengths also The PicoSure has a wavelength of 755, while the PicoWay has two wavelengths: 532nm and 1064nm. Among the three wavelengths, 755nm is known as the best black gold wavelength, which is more suitable for Asian skin.

Third, the effect is different, picoseconds and ultra-picoseconds in the effect of spot removal, but PicoSure with Sanosu's unique honeycomb lens, in the rejuvenation of the skin effect, better than the PicoWay, Sanosu honeycomb picoseconds is known as the "lunchtime beauty".