Quality, environment, occupational safety and health

After China joined WTO, it introduced the concept of occupational health and safety. In the past, enterprises in China did not pay enough attention to occupational safety, which led to frequent industrial accidents. Some occupations are harmful in themselves, such as chemical industry and construction industry. There are still some occupations that are not harmful in themselves, but the practice environment has harmful factors, such as fire and so on. Therefore, in order to nip in the bud and pay attention to the above risk factors, this is occupational health and safety.

The above is copied.

In order to achieve results in occupational health and safety, a series of management activities can be implemented with reference to the occupational health and safety system. "PDCA cycle" runs through the occupational health and safety system, and enterprises can continuously improve their occupational health and safety performance by implementing the occupational health and safety system.

This system is not necessary, but a commitment of the enterprise to the outside world in terms of occupational health and safety through its own implementation and external audit. Generally speaking, the implementation of the system can bring good brand effect to the enterprise and gain more customer recognition for the enterprise. The consequences of the implementation of the system (industrial accidents, occupational diseases, etc.) decline. ), virtually reducing losses for enterprises, that is, increasing benefits.

Occupational safety and health work is something that enterprises must do. In order to achieve the goal that employees are healthy and not injured by accidents, enterprises do not have to implement systems, but can also manage themselves or implement safety standardization.

On the other hand, there are many beliefs in safety standardization and occupational health and safety system.

GB/T 1900 1-2008 GB/T 2400 1-2004 GB/T 2800 1-200 1

4.2.3 Document control

The main difference is that 1 has no principle difference. Quality management system and environmental management system, but they are different from occupational health and safety management system.

2. The quality management system and environmental management system stipulate that documents should be clear and easy to identify, while the occupational health and safety management system emphasizes that documents should be easy to find.

3.QMS and EMS require documents to be reviewed and updated when necessary, emphasizing the principle of actual needs, while OHSMS stipulates that documents should be reviewed regularly, so the review period and time must be clear;

4. The quality management system and environmental management system stipulate the control requirements of external documents, and the control scope of occupational health and safety management system includes all documents and materials required by standards, among which "regulations and other requirements" are required by standards and should be included in the control scope of documents and materials.

Record control 4.5.4 Record control 4.5.3 Record and record management

The main difference is 1. The requirements of the three standards for record control are similar, and there is no principle difference, but QMS has more detailed requirements for record control, including eight aspects.

2. The environmental management system requires the preservation of records, and the occupational health and safety management system emphasizes the preservation of records in a way suitable for the system and organization.

5.3 Quality Policy 4.2 Environmental Policy 4.2 Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The main difference is 1. The basic requirements are similar, and all emphasize that the content of the policy should include the commitment of the organization and the combination with the actual situation of the organization.

2. The quality management system and the environmental management system stipulate the relationship between policies and objectives, that is, policies should provide a framework for the formulation and evaluation of objectives; However, OHSMS does not have this requirement, but it is stipulated in 4.3.3 that "the objectives shall conform to the occupational health and safety policy".

3. As far as the review requirements of the policy are concerned, there are differences among the three standards: QMS requires review from the aspect of continuous suitability; EMS does not specify the requirements for review (but it is mentioned in 4.6 Management Review); The occupational health and safety management system needs to review policies regularly.

4. Both 4.EMS and OHSMS require that policies can be obtained by the public/interested parties, and the understanding, participation and supervision of interested parties should be considered, but QMS does not.

6. Resource management 4.4. 1 Resources, use, responsibilities and authority 4.4. 1 Structure and responsibilities

The main difference is that QMS has special regulations on the management of resources, including human resources, infrastructure and working environment; As one of the responsibilities of managers, EMS and OHSMS stipulate the requirements for providing resources, emphasizing that resources include human resources, special skills, technology and financial resources, and EMS also includes the requirements for infrastructure.

GB/T 1900 1-2008 GB/T 2400 1-2004 GB/T 2800 1-200 1

6.2.2 Ability, training and awareness

The main difference is 1. The titles of the three standard clauses are inconsistent, but they all emphasize the requirements for personnel ability. The ability required by the quality management system should be met from four aspects: education, training, skills and experience; However, EMS and OHSMS need to be satisfied from education, training and experience. Experience is the same word in English, and the translation of knowledge is different.

2.QMS stipulates the way to acquire the required ability, that is, to meet the requirements through training or taking other measures; EMS emphasizes meeting the training needs related to organizational environmental factors and environmental management system through training or taking other measures. OHSMS does not stipulate this.

3. In terms of awareness training, EMS and OHSMS emphasized the potential consequences of deviation from operating procedures, and explained the importance of training on the severity of deviation consequences in the environmental and occupational health and safety management system.

4.QMS put forward the requirement of evaluating the effectiveness of the measures taken, but EMS and OHSMS did not specify it.

5. Occupational health and safety management system emphasizes that different levels of requirements should be considered in training, which embodies the importance of occupational health and safety management training.

Management Review 4.6 Management Review 4.6 Management Review

The main difference is 1. The management review of the three management systems has the same purpose, that is, to ensure their continuous suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

2. There are differences in the time requirements of management review: QMS requires the planned time interval; EMS needs a predetermined time interval; The occupational health and safety management system requires regular intervals. Planning emphasizes the purpose of achieving goals.

3. All three. The quality management system and environmental management system stipulate detailed review input requirements; And OHSMS only stipulates the principle requirements. These three standards all stipulate the relevant requirements of the evaluation results.

4. The quality management system and environmental management system require that management review records be kept; The occupational health and safety management system emphasizes that management review should be documented.

5.5.3 Internal communication /7.2.3 Customer communication 4.4.3 Information exchange 4.4.3 Consultation and communication

The main difference is 1. All three management systems attach importance to the role of communication and information exchange in the management system. QMS specifies the requirements for internal and external communication in 5.5.3 and 7.2.3 respectively; The environmental management system stipulates the requirements of information exchange; OHSMS specifies the requirements for negotiation and communication. The communication scope and content of the three are different.

2. The scope of communication is different: QMS communication refers to the communication between the organization and customers; EMS refers to the information exchange at all levels and functions within the organization and the contact with external stakeholders; Occupational health and safety management system refers to communication with employees and other interested parties.

3. The communication between environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system has its particularity: the environmental management system emphasizes the decision and arrangement of important environmental factors to communicate with the outside world; OHSMS takes employee participation and negotiation as an important content, which reflects the important role of employees in OHSMS.

4. The environmental management system requires that the decision to contact external stakeholders and communicate with the outside world on important environmental factors should be documented; The occupational health and safety management system requires that the arrangement of employee participation and consultation be documented; On the other hand, the quality management system does not stipulate the communication to be recorded.

GB/T 1900 1-2008 GB/T 2400 1-2004 GB/T 2800 1-200 1

7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Equipment

The three standards all have control requirements for monitoring equipment, but the requirements are inconsistent: QMS clearly stipulates the determination, calibration and verification of monitoring equipment, adjustment and readjustment of calibration state, identification and protection of calibration state, handling and recording of calibration state deviation and control requirements for computer software used for testing; EMS and OHSMS have less mandatory requirements, and only stipulate the calibration, maintenance and recording requirements of testing equipment.

8.2.2 Internal audit

1. All three systems have requirements for internal audit, but the regulations are not completely consistent;

2. The provisions of internal audit time are different: QMS requires planning time interval; EMS needs a predetermined time interval; OHSMS requires regular audit of the occupational health and safety management system, so the audit period should be clear;

3.QMS internal audit requires the manager in charge of the audited area to take timely measures to eliminate the found nonconformities and their causes, and track/verify the effectiveness of the measures; However, neither EMS nor OHSMS has specified this, and the handling of nonconformities in internal audit should be controlled according to EMS 4. 5. 3 and oh SMS 4. 5. 2.

4.EMS and OHSMS emphasize the requirement of reporting or providing audit results to Manager www.vfbxg.com.

8.3 Control of nonconforming products /8.5 Improvement 4.5.3 Nonconformity, corrective measures and preventive measures 4.5.2 Accidents, incidents, nonconformities, corrective and preventive measures

1. All three standards have control requirements for nonconformities, corrective and preventive measures, but the contents and scope of control are inconsistent: QMS stipulates the control requirements for nonconformities in 8.3 and the requirements for corrective or preventive measures for nonconformities or potential nonconformities in 8.5; The requirements for nonconformities, corrective measures and preventive measures are specified in 4.5.3 by EMS. The occupational health and safety management system stipulates the requirements of accidents, incidents, nonconformities, corrective and preventive measures in 4.5.2.

2. The requirements for accident handling and investigation are specified in 4.5.2 of 2. OHSMS embodies the particularity of occupational health and safety management.