It is said that eating dinner is one of the reasons why we humans get sick; It is also a reason why many diseases cannot be cured for a long time. Many people think that if you are hungry at night, you have to eat; In fact, it is not; It is normal not to eat when you are hungry at night. 14 18, Hu Guang, a favorite of Judy, Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, died at the age of 37. Hu Guang is a scholar, and his characteristic is to keep his mouth shut. Judy discussed things with him, and he would never reveal them. So Judy likes him very much. But Judy hates him, too, because Hu Guang likes dinner. In ancient times, if a person ate dinner, it would be considered debauchery. However, Hu Guang said that he had been ill for a long time and was very weak. One meal is not much, so you must eat more. Judy forgave him, too
Chinese medicine and Buddhism advocate not eating dinner, not to save food; But for health. Besides, there are many rules for everyone to eat in China, such as: keep your lips closed and don't slap your mouth when eating. Another example: you can't cross the line, you can only take the dishes on your own side. Don't talk while eating. But the biggest rule is not to eat dinner. If you have dinner, it will be considered impolite. Then the government won't allow you to take the imperial examination. Maybe you can't even find a wife, and doing business is also very troublesome. After Hu Guang became an academician, he began to have dinner. As he himself said, he was ill for a long time and weak; I didn't eat much for a meal, so I had to have dinner; The dinner was very rich. However, Hu Guang's body did not become stronger because of dinner, but more and more problems appeared. So I ate it to death.
In the past, we Han people never had dinner.
As the saying goes, "a horse is not fat if it doesn't eat night grass." . In the same way, people will not be obese if they don't eat dinner. At present, most people are too fat. It is said that about 60% people in America are obese. However, Americans don't eat much. Why is this? This is because Americans like to eat supper and supper. Why are you obese when you eat dinner and supper? Because people don't consume calories when they sleep at night, many calories will be converted into fat when they eat. These fats are stored in the renal capsule, so the stomach will be full, and then the stomach will get bigger and bigger. Of course, these fats are also distributed in various parts of the body, such as subcutaneous, blood, myocardium, liver and so on. , resulting in a decline in human function.
People will be hungry if they don't eat dinner, which is similar to drinking appetizing soup. So you don't lose money if you don't eat dinner, because it is equivalent to drinking free appetizing soup. Who is so kind as to let you drink free appetizing soup? This is what nature gave you when she saw you skip dinner. Aren't you happy? Then when I was hungry for a while, I stopped hungry and began to eat by myself. Big fat is slowly disappearing, and you are slowly slimming. People are surprised and ask what diet pills you took. You said this secret should not be revealed.
Some people say that Liu Hongzhang is talking nonsense. You don't know the importance of eating because you don't do manual labor. Wrong, because I lived in the middle school attached to Tsinghua University from the age of 16 until I lived in Beijing Medical College, running 10,000 meters every day. Do you think you are tired? Of course I'm tired! And it's time to grow up, but I won't eat dinner. Teachers and classmates are very strange. Now some people go home from work and have dinner with their bellies open. Euphemistically called: "supplement nutrition." . Actually, it's not. It's called looking for a disease. Because you won't be hungry all the time, you won't get sick.
One shouldn't eat too much. The concept of seven-point fullness is not only seven-point fullness for every meal, but also seven-point fullness for the whole day. However, when we eat too much, we always worry that we are hungry, that our children are hungry, that our old people are hungry, and that our patients are hungry. When we meet in China, we always ask people if they have eaten. Even if we invite them to dinner, we will let them eat. However, we did bad things with good intentions, because we helped ourselves and others get sick; I don't know.
The bad habit of eating supper and eating supper leads to food shortage in China. On the one hand, farmers produce a lot of food, herders produce a lot of livestock, fruit farmers produce a lot of fruits, and fishermen catch a lot of fish and shrimp; On the one hand, cars and trains are constantly transported; On the other side is1300 million bottomless pits. However, all these production and transportation can be halved. Because humans don't have to eat dinner.
It is also true that some people advocate not eating one day a week. However, this kind of operation easily affects the liver.