Answer: EHS management system is the integration of environmental management system (EMS) and occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS). EHS management system, abbreviated as EHS management system, stands for environment, health and safety.
2. Why should we establish an EHS management system?
A: The purpose of establishing and implementing the EHS management system is to protect the environment, improve the health and safety of our workplace, improve working conditions and safeguard the legitimate interests of employees. Its implementation will greatly promote the cohesion of the factory, improve internal management, enhance the image and create better economic and social benefits.
3. What is the EHS policy? What is its function?
Answer: EHS policy is a statement of the principles and intentions of enterprises for all their environmental and occupational health and safety behaviors, which embodies the general direction and basic commitment of enterprises in environmental and occupational health and safety protection. Therefore, it can be said that EHS policy is the general guiding direction and action principle of enterprises in environmental and occupational health and safety protection, and it also reflects the general commitment of top managers to environmental and occupational health and safety behaviors. EHS policy is also the driving force of all activities in the field of enterprise environment and occupational health and safety, involving all employees.
An active, timely and feasible EHS policy will determine the general direction and action guide of enterprises in environmental and occupational health and safety management, and provide a general framework for establishing more specific environmental and occupational health and safety objectives.
4. What are the three commitments of 4.EHS policy?
A: First, promise to abide by the applicable EHS laws, regulations and other requirements; The second is the commitment to continuous improvement; The third is devoted to accident prevention and protecting the safety and health of employees.
5. What are the objectives, indicators and management plans of 5.EHS management system?
Answer: The target index of EHS management system is the quantitative control index of important environmental factors, major risk factors or factors that need to be controlled. The target index can be a maintenance index, such as controlling the annual work injury rate below a few thousandths, or an improvement index, such as increasing the utilization rate of a certain resource by several percentage points. Management plan refers to the specific action plan to achieve the objectives and indicators.
6. What is management review? What is the internal audit of EHS management system? Thank you for coming!
A: Management review means that the top management of the unit should review the system according to their scheduled time intervals to ensure the continuous suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the system. The management review process should ensure that the necessary information is collected for managers' evaluation. Management review should be based on the results of system review, changing objective environment and commitment to continuous improvement. Point out the possible revision of the policies, objectives and other elements of the environmental and occupational health and safety management system. The review shall be documented, and the relevant results shall be notified to the personnel, employees and their representatives responsible for the relevant elements of the system, so that they can take appropriate measures.
The internal audit of EHS management system is an enterprise's audit of its own EHS management system, a systematic and independent inspection and evaluation of whether the system is running normally and whether it has reached the specified goals, and a self-guarantee and supervision mechanism of EHS management system.
7. What is an EHS management representative?
Answer: The EHS management representative refers to the senior manager responsible for the EHS management system.
8. What is an EHS employee representative? What are its duties and functions?
Answer: EHS employee representatives refer to people elected or appointed by employees to represent employees' interests on EHS issues in the workplace according to national laws, regulations and practices. Its duty and function is to report the operation of EHS management system, related matters concerned by employees and reasonable suggestions to the environment, occupational health and safety management Committee on behalf of employees; Participate in the review of policies and objectives, and participate in management review; And be responsible for answering and explaining employees' questions. Thank you for coming!
9. What are the three levels of 9.EHS management system documents?
Answer: the first layer: EHS management manual;
Layer 2: EHS program files;
The third layer: EHS work instructions, operating procedures, management methods, guidelines, file forms and other documents.