What effect does indoor air pollution have on children?

1, which may induce blood diseases. Medical research has proved that environmental pollution has become the main cause of children's blood diseases. In particular, the formaldehyde pollution from decoration that everyone smells now has warned us of the threat of indoor air pollution to human health, especially to children.

2. Increase the incidence of respiratory diseases in children. The related research results show that the prevalence rate of children's respiratory system in the polluted area is 1.6 ~ 5.3 times that in the control area. As we said above, children's breathing ability is 50% higher than that of adults. Therefore, more air pollutants enter the respiratory tract, causing children to suffer from acute and chronic respiratory diseases.

3. Affect the normal development of children's height. Compared with adults, children are in a fragile and growing state in all aspects, and so are bones. Breathing polluted air for a long time will not only easily induce various diseases, but also affect the development of children's various functions, thus affecting the normal development of height.

4. Affect children's intellectual development. Air pollution can damage children's central nervous system, leading to dizziness, headache, fatigue, distraction and reduced flexibility of neural processes. Harvard University's research found that if children's brains are damaged by air pollution during their development, it will delay the development of brain function and affect intelligence. Moreover, the influence of air pollution on the baby's intelligence is produced during the mother's pregnancy. A study by the Children's Environmental Health Center of Columbia University found that during pregnancy, if the mother's living environment is seriously polluted, the child's IQ will be relatively low by 4 to 5 points when he starts school at the age of 5.

Mopu indoor ecological environment regulator is an air purifier developed by the team of Zhejiang Mopu Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., which does not need a filter element, does not produce ozone and toxic substances, and continuously produces a large number of ecological negative oxygen ions by imitating the principle of natural waterfall (Leonard effect) through composite nano-photocatalytic technology. Dr. Carol Yu, a British doctor of medicine, found that the higher the PH value of the brain, the higher the IQ. Negative oxygen ions can change the pH of children's blood and brain, and improve the intelligent development of the brain. Dr Marian from the University of California confirmed that negative oxygen ions can remove impurity compounds in neurons, promote the transformation of DHA, and protect neural networks from damage. Indoor ecological environment regulator = air purifier+fresh air system+antivirus machine+humidifying dehumidifier+negative oxygen ion generator. Moreover, the machine is equipped with a catalytic material (AB-24) developed by Chinese Academy of Sciences, which can adsorb and inactivate COVID-19, and the inactivation rate is as high as 99.9% (data comes from official website, Dalian Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences).