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Analysis and Research on Marriage and Mental Health of Postgraduates in Guizhou Province

Study on the Status Quo and Influencing Factors of Middle School Teachers' Job Burnout in Guizhou Province

Research on Peer Psychological Mutual Assistance in School Mental Health Education

Research on Mental Health Education in the Socialized Growth of College Students

A preliminary study on junior middle school students' academic self-handicapping

A preliminary study on psychological factors of college students using BBS: qualitative and quantitative research

Research on Social Support Mechanism of Poor College Students' Mental Health

The formation and calming mechanism of children's fighting behavior and the comparison of its subculture characteristics

An exploratory study on the presentation and integration of college students' animal images

Research on the problem of junior middle school students' weariness of learning

Study on Life Stress, Coping Style and Their Relationship with Mental Health of Senior High School Students

Research on the Status Quo and Related Factors of Middle School Teachers' Job Burnout

Research on the Relationship between College Students' General Self-efficacy and Interpersonal Communication

Personality development of young people and personality education of college students

Relationship between self-concept and mental health of female students in Shanghai slimming high school

Study on the Relationship among Psychological Sensitivity, Personality and Interpersonal Attachment of College Students

Study on the application of group psychological counseling in the intervention strategy of junior middle school students' learning motivation

A Cross-cultural Study of Middle School Students' Subjective Well-being

The Influence of College Students' Achievement Goal Orientation and Self-esteem on Self-handicapping in Different Situations

Study on the Revision and Application of Learning Adaptation Scale (Revised Edition) in Shanghai

A study on the correlation between adolescent friendship and subjective well-being

Research on Psychological Adaptation of Minority Students in Colleges and Universities

Study on the Preventive Effect of Positive Psychological Quality on Internet Addiction of College Students

Construction of Curriculum Evaluation Model of School Mental Health Education

An experimental study on the relationship between parents' quality and children's mental health

Study on the Effect of Interpersonal Group Counseling on Changing College Students' Depression

A study on the influence of relationship aggression in middle childhood on children's peer relationship

Analysis on the Problems and Countermeasures of College Students' Mental Health Education in China

Causes and Countermeasures of College Students' Frustration

A Study on Middle School Teachers' Job Burnout, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Their Relationships

Investigation and analysis of mental health and related factors of students in secondary vocational schools in Guiyang

Research on Emotional Intelligence of College Students and Its Influence on Mental Health

The role of memory in the process of text understanding

The influence of network culture on teenagers' mental health and its countermeasures

Investigation and Research on Consumption Psychology and Behavior of College Students in Huangshi Area

Thinking and practice of mental health education in primary and secondary schools

Psychological dimension and development of adolescent students' national self-esteem

A Study on the Relationship among Middle School Teachers' Work Control, Work-Family Conflict and Job Burnout

A Study on the Relationship among College Students' Personality, Dormitory Interpersonal Relationship and Mental Health

The relationship between occupational stress, personality characteristics and job burnout of primary and secondary school teachers

Research on the Structure, Types and Violation Effect of Middle School Teachers' Psychological Contract

Research on the Influence of Professional Group Psychological Counseling on Female College Students' Career Decision-making Self-efficacy

A study on the influence of personality characteristics, values and life events on senior high school students' subjective well-being

Correlation between college students' self-identity, time management disposition and internet addiction.

A study on the relationship between learning strategies, self-efficacy, achievement motivation and college entrance examination scores of senior three students.

A study on the relationship between physical and mental health of poor college students and self-esteem, personality, interpersonal relationship and achievement motivation

Research on the Relationship between Mental Health and Self-esteem, Personality, Social Support and Locus of Control of Higher Vocational College Students

A study on loneliness of college students and its correlation with personality characteristics

Preliminary construction of mental health dimension of primary and secondary school teachers

Study on the relationship between college students' death anxiety and self-worth.

Research on Mental Health Problems of College Teachers and Countermeasures

Study on the Causes and Intervention Mechanism of Test Anxiety of Senior Three Students.

Study on Peer Relationship and Social Skills Training of Children Aged 6-8

The Influence of Middle School Students' Academic Social Comparison on Coping Strategies of Academic Stress

A study on the relationship between occupational stress, coping style and classroom interaction behavior of primary and secondary school teachers

Characteristics and related research on the development of teaching aesthetic ability of primary and secondary school teachers

An experimental study on the influence of music aesthetics on depression symptoms of college students

Classification of stimuli in the process of associative learning

A preliminary study on the parent-child conflict of senior high school students and its causes

Theoretical and Empirical Research on Middle School Students' Sense of Self-worth System

The relationship between primary school students' self-esteem and attribution model and its influencing factors

A case study of child psychotherapy centered on behavioral therapy

Research on the Composition of College Students' Psychological Quality and Its Measurement Tools

Study on the application of sandplay therapy in children with early unsafe attachment

Family factors analysis and systematic family therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder in middle school students

Class teacher and mental health education of middle school students

Exploration of psychoanalytic comprehensive treatment model for children with high functional autism

Research on the Cultivation of Students' Non-intelligence Factors in Innovative Education in Normal Universities

Research on the Construction of Evaluation Index System of Class Psychological Counseling Activity Class

A Study on College Students' Fear of Success and Its Predictors

Research on College Students' Mental Health under the Network Environment

On the psychological problems, causes and corrective strategies of higher vocational students from the investigation of four higher vocational colleges

Teachers' job burnout

Reflections on the implementation of mental health education for teachers in China

A study on the relationship between family environment and mental health of poor college students

Measurement of adolescent attachment and its relationship with self-esteem and social adaptability

Study on the Relationship among College Students' Academic Self-concept, Achievement Goal Orientation and Learning Persistence

A Study on the Relationship between Parent-child Attachment and Bullying Behavior of Senior Primary School Children

Research on the Development and Application of Professional Commitment Questionnaire for Primary and Secondary School Teachers

A study on children's self-concept and its relationship with mental health

Preliminary development of junior high school students' creative negative personality scale

Revision of College Students' Learning Autonomy Scale and Establishment of Regional Norms

A study on the predictors of college students' attitude towards seeking professional psychological help

A Study on Children's Loneliness and Peer Relationship, Social Behavior and Social Self-perception

A Study on College Students' Thinking Style, Coping Style and Their Relationship with Mental Health

Study on Subjective Well-being of College Students

An experimental study on the intervention of rational emotional education on junior high school students' test anxiety

Research on the Development of Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Authority Cognition

Achievement goal of senior high school teachers and its relationship with job satisfaction and teaching effect cognition

Study on college students' body image and its relationship with depression and social avoidance.

Investigation and intervention study on bullying behavior of primary school students

Preliminary construction of college students' metacognitive ability scale

Investigation on Junior Middle School Students' Inferiority and Cognitive Intervention

Roles of Participants and Peer Status of Junior Middle School Students in Bullying Situations

Relationship between perceived school atmosphere and bullying behavior of junior middle school students.

The development of teenagers' future orientation

The Influence of Achievement Goal Orientation on Feedback Seeking Behavior in Different Situations

The development of adolescents' self-identity and its relationship with attachment

The Development and Relationship of Behavior Attribution and Spontaneous Trait Inference in Children and Adolescents

The structure, development characteristics and educational enlightenment of middle school students' creativity

The Cultivation of Learners' Autonomy Based on Metacognitive Strategy Training

Psychological Health Problems of Vocational High School Students and Countermeasures

Study on the characteristics and related factors of two-year-old children's delayed gratification

A Psychological Study on Teenagers' Values of Human Rights

A study on the relationship between psychological stress response, coping style and social support of adolescent students

Investigation on Problem Behavior and Mental Health of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Shanghai

The Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Social Support and Mental Health of Middle School Students

Psychological Research on Young Students' Ecological Values

Research on the Development of Students' Self-motivation in Grade 3-9

A study on the relationship between middle school teachers' job burnout and its influencing factors

Study on the four-factor causal model affecting academic performance

Research on the Moderating Effect of Teachers' Professional Self-concept on Job Burnout

Dimensions, Structure and Related Research of Adolescent Aggressive Behavior

Study on Occupational Stress of Vocational Middle School Teachers in Pearl River Delta Region

Research on Psychological Problems of Junior Middle School Students with Mathematics Learning Difficulties

Research on Non-intelligence Causes and Educational Countermeasures of High School Students' Mathematics Learning Difficulties

Research on Teaching Methods of Cognitive Strategies in Middle School Chemistry

Emotional characteristics of junior high school students with mathematics learning difficulties and its educational countermeasures

Study on the causes and transformation of mathematics learning difficulties in the third stage

Research on Mathematics Teaching Psychology

A Study on the Relationship among Altruistic Behavior, Empathy and Moral Judgment of Senior High School Students

A study on the intervention of interpersonal relationship between school and family to improve the common problem behavior of junior two students

Investigation and study on students' inferiority complex and coping style in secondary vocational schools

Psychological Dilemma and Outlet of College Students from Poor Families under the Background of Social Transformation

The present situation of non-intelligence factors of minority middle school students and its correlation with academic performance

Research on junior high school students' problem consciousness and learning strategies with different types of questions.

Research on Teachers' Psychological Contract, Job Satisfaction, Self-esteem and Their Relationships

The developmental characteristics of adolescent attachment and its relationship with school adaptation

Study on sensory integration ability of primary school students in Kunming

Investigation and study on mental health status of students in secondary vocational schools

Research on the Evaluation Theory of Students' Emotional Intelligence

Experimental study on systematic intervention to transform students with academic disabilities

Comparative study on intelligence characteristics of children aged 6-7 in Hubei, Guangxi and Zhejiang.

Investigation and Countermeasures on Mental Health of Middle School Teachers in Kunming

A study on the relationship between teachers' expectations, academic self-concept, students' perception of teachers' supportive behavior and academic performance

A Comparative Study of College Students' Mental Health and Society

A case study on the psychological representation process of middle school students' problem solving

A case study on the development of primary and secondary school students' ability to control variables

Study on College Students' Learning Psychology and Cultivation of Innovative Quality

Investigation on mental health status of minors in Henan Province and educational countermeasures

Investigation and discussion on psychological resilience, a contemporary college student

Investigation, analysis and thinking on the personality of poor college students

On the Mental Health of College Students in China

Exploration of College Students' Mental Health Education Model

Analysis and Adjustment of Contemporary College Students' Psychological Problems

Study on the Relationship between Social Cognition and Mental Health of College Students

Investigation on positive emotions of senior high school students and intervention of cognitive behavioral therapy.

A Study on Middle School Students' School Alienation and Its Relationship with Coping Styles

Internet use, self-identity and adolescent mental health

Study on the influence of group psychological counseling on the mental health of medical university freshmen

A Study on Adolescent Autonomy, Self-esteem and Parenting Style

Life events and subjective well-being of college students

Study on Middle School Students' Academic Self-handicapping and Its Influencing Factors

A study on the influence of children's aggressive behavior on peer relationship in middle childhood

Influencing factors of childhood loneliness: peer acceptance, friendship quality and social self-perception.

Research on College Students' Psychological Help-seeking and Its Influencing Factors

Study on the Influence of Coping Style and Social Support on Subjective Well-being of Postgraduates in Xi City

Characteristics of college students' physical self-development and its influence on self-concept and self-worth

Research on Individual Learning Motivation of Contemporary Middle School Students

A study on the relationship between self-regulated learning and academic self-efficacy, achievement goal orientation and academic performance of middle school students

The Relationship between Adolescents' Emotional Adjustment Strategies and Parental Rearing Styles

The relationship between task value elements and self-regulated learning and academic performance

Study on Disease-related Internet Use and Its Influencing Factors among College and Middle School Students

Research on Teachers' Personality in Social Transformation Period

Personality Psychology Research on the Influence of Astrology on China Students

Research on the Sense of Learning Success

A study on the relationship between college students' general self-efficacy, subject self-efficacy and academic performance

Application of Communication Analysis Theory in College Students' Mental Health Education

A study on the attribution style of college students and its relationship with mental health

Parent-child interaction and the development of children's theory of mind

Research on the Behavior Characteristics and Educational Countermeasures of Neglected Children in Role Games

A case study on the intervention of children's peer relationship

Research on Professional Role Identity of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Shanghai under the Background of New Curriculum

A study on the development of adolescent attachment, self-esteem and their relationship

Group Psychological Counseling for Middle School Students with Internet Addiction Disorder

A study on the ways to cultivate the concept of ability to adapt to the characteristics of children's psychological development

Study on Self-expression Strategies of Primary School Students in Grade 6-8

A study on mental health of middle school students in Shanghai and its self-rating scale

A Preliminary Study on the Epistemological Belief of Senior High School Students in China

The Standard Setting of Teenagers' Internet Addiction and the Influence of Internet Addiction on Teenagers' Social Development

Study on jealousy of college students and its influencing factors

Research on Time Management Trend

A study on the mental health status and related factors of parents of students in Shanghai supplementary schools

Theoretical and Practical Research on Junior High School Students' Questioning Ability

A comparative study on self-concept and achievement motivation of Miao junior middle school students in urban and rural areas

Research on College Students' Internet Use Behavior, Internet Addiction and Its Influencing Factors

Investigation and Cultivation of Poor Students' Mental Health in Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities

Influence of Internet on Freshmen's Psychology and Countermeasures

Research on the Role of Will Control in Autonomous Learning

Intervention of China Taoist Cognitive Therapy on Anxiety College Students

A Study on the Status Quo of College Students' Loneliness and Its Influencing Factors

FMRI and EEG study on adolescent fear and its regulatory development

Research on the Influence of Social Support and Self-worth of College Students on Subjective Well-being

Study on Adolescents' Interpersonal Self-efficacy and Its Influencing Factors

Research on Middle School Students' Interpersonal Stress and Its Coping Strategies

A preliminary study on college students' uncertain personality

The role of inhibition control in the correlation between children's executive function and theory of mind

Study on Middle School Students' Academic Stress, Coping Strategies and Coping Psychological Mechanism

A Study on the Relationship among Peer Acceptance, Teacher Acceptance, Academic Achievement and Mental Health of Primary School Students

Study on cognitive, temperament and behavioral development of low birth weight infants

Revision of College Students' Mental Health Scale and Its Reliability and Validity

A study on the correlation between depression of college students and stressors, cognitive evaluation, personality characteristics and social support.

A study on the relationship between subjective well-being and neuroticism and extroversion personality characteristics of middle school students in coastal areas

Study on the Status Quo of College Students' Learning Burnout and Its Relationship with Professional Commitment

A study on the development characteristics and influencing factors of college students' sense of alienation

On the Cultivation of Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Subjective Psychological Education Ability

Research on improving the autonomous learning ability of senior one students by using the self-regulated learning cycle model

Psychological obstacles of middle school students in learning physics and their elimination strategies

An experimental study on self-concept training of primary school students

An experimental study on self-monitoring training of primary school students in coping with peer conflict

Research on the Influence of Emotional Education on the Emotional Stability of Junior One Students

A comparative study on the relationship between happiness, self-concept and life events of college students in private and ordinary universities

A Study on the Difference of Teenagers' Self-esteem Development and Its Educational Suggestions

Research on the Relationship between Coping Style and Anxiety of College Students and Its Training

The influence of teachers' classroom behavior on students' mood and academic performance

An experimental study on emotional self-education and junior high school students' emotional adjustment ability

Students' Emotion under the Influence of Error Correction Strategies

Screening and biofeedback intervention of psychological sub-health status of students in Guangdong Medical College

A study on the cultivation of learning self-monitoring ability of junior middle school students with learning difficulties

Research on the Outline of Class Mental Health Education

A study on the characteristics of self-control and learning adaptability of Mongolian and Chinese junior middle school students and their relationship with academic performance

A study on the characteristics of self-identity development of Mongolian college students

A Comparative Study of Middle School Teachers, Students and Parents' Views on Students' Mental Health

Thinking and Exploration of Mental Health Education in Public Security Colleges

Necessity and Countermeasures of Strengthening Middle School Students' Psychological Quality Education

Research on the Development of Adolescent Forgiveness in Injury Situation

Psychological quality education of college students under the background of contemporary quality education

On Emotional Education in Teaching and Its Implementation Strategies

Research on Ideological Education of College Students' Only Child Group under the Background of Network Culture

Research on Methodology of College Students' Mental Health Education

A Comparative Study on the Mental Health of College Students in Different Grades

Caring psychology and its enlightenment to moral education

Research on the thinking process of junior middle school students in solving scientific comprehensive problems

Research on the Relationship between Mental Health and Self-esteem, Personality, Social Support and Locus of Control of Higher Vocational College Students

A study on the relationship between physical and mental health of poor college students and self-esteem, personality, interpersonal relationship and achievement motivation

A study on the relationship between learning strategies, self-efficacy, achievement motivation and college entrance examination scores of senior three students.

A study on the relationship between college students' personality, dormitory interpersonal relationship and mental health

A Study on the Relationship among Middle School Teachers' Work Control, Work-Family Conflict and Job Burnout

Research on Emotional Intelligence of College Students and Its Influence on Mental Health

Research on the Development of Job Satisfaction Scale for Middle School Teachers in Guangdong Province

Application of Hypnotherapy in College Students' Psychological Counseling and Treatment

Study on the Relationship among Psychological Sensitivity, Personality and Interpersonal Attachment of College Students

An exploratory study on the presentation and integration of college students' animal images

A preliminary study on psychological factors of college students using BBS: qualitative and quantitative research

Research on Mental Health Education in the Socialized Growth of College Students

Motivation adjustment strategies, learning strategies and their relationship with academic performance of junior high school students in high and low groups

Psychological crisis of college students' lovelorn love and its intervention

Research on Effective Strategies of Classroom Teaching of Psychological Quality Course in Suburb Junior Middle School

A preliminary study on the integration mode of mental health education and middle school chemistry teaching

Study on the Mistakes and Countermeasures of Mental Health Education in Middle Schools

Research on Attribution Characteristics of Higher Vocational College Students and Educational Suggestions

A study on the characteristics of personality development of primary school students in Guiyang

English learning style of senior high school students

Investigation and Analysis on School Psychological Stressors of Junior Middle School Students

A study on the correlation between anxiety and life events, coping style and achievement motivation of college entrance examination students

Study on Personality Development Characteristics of Rural Pupils in Dalian

Rational thinking on cultivating teenagers' frustration tolerance

Research on the "Home-School" Interaction Model of Middle School Students' Mental Health Education

Psychological Hot Issues of Boarding School Students and Educational Countermeasures

A study on the competitive psychological structure and development characteristics of primary school students

Research on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of Psychological Health Education for Vocational Secondary School Students

Study on Mental Health and Crisis Intervention of Poor College Students

Cultural values and psychological crisis intervention of college students

Research on College Students' Psychological Crisis and Its Intervention Strategies

A study on the relationship among college students' cognitive style, parental rearing style and coping style

A study on the relationship among teachers' self-efficacy, collective efficacy and teachers' stress.

Investigation and study on the present situation of psychological counseling in Hubei universities

Mental Health Education in Colleges and Universities and College Students' Self-transcendence

Social anxiety of college students and its relationship with self-consistency and congruence

Revision of Students' School Adaptation Assessment Scale

Experimental study on mental health teaching of group counseling for primary school students

Research on the Cultivation of College Students' Psychological Quality

Psychological analysis of contemporary college students' communication and adjustment of communication obstacles

Research on College Students' Mental Health Education

Analysis and Education of Psychological Characteristics of Contemporary College Students in China

Research on Middle School Students' Mental Health Problems and Countermeasures

A study on the influence of junior middle school students' class environment and achievement goal orientation on their academic help-seeking behavior

A study on the relationship between class environment in primary and secondary schools and students' academic efficacy and academic performance

Integration and Coordination of Topic Inference Ability in Narrative Discourse Reading of College Students and Junior Middle School Students

A Qualitative Study of Junior Middle School Students' Self-role Consciousness and Role Orientation Education

A Study on the Stress Model and Intervention Scheme of Junior Middle School Students' English Learning

Research on College Students' Inferiority

A study on the attribution characteristics of primary and secondary school students with different communication levels

Theoretical and practical research on teaching strategies of psychological quality training course in junior middle school

The development characteristics of self-concept of vocational college students and its relationship with mental health

The development characteristics of middle school students' academic self-efficacy and its relationship with academic performance and parental rearing patterns

A Study on the Developmental Characteristics of Aggressive Behavior of Primary School Children

A preliminary study on the relationship between children's moral emotion judgment and the development of theory of mind

Analysis of College Students' Mental Health and Educational Countermeasures

Motivation adjustment strategies, learning strategies and their relationship with academic performance of junior high school students in high and low groups

Research on Psychological Problems of Contemporary College Students

Mental Health Education and Life Growth

A Study on Depression Psychology of Poor College Students

The core goal of mental health education in primary and secondary schools and its realization

Research on the Influence of Psychological Factors on Students' Moral Development

Study on the Influence of Physical Exercise on the Sleep Quality of College Students and Its Psychological Mechanism

A study on the dynamic development characteristics of teenagers' emotions and the influence of different adjustment strategies on their emotional changes

A Study on the Relationship among Adolescents' Emotional Adjustment Strategies, Interpersonal Stress and Emotional Response

Research on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self-regulated Learning of Middle School Students

Stimulate learning motivation in learning situation

An analysis of the present situation of college students seeking social support and its influencing factors

Research on the Relationship between Middle School Students' Delayed Satisfaction and Self-regulated Learning

Self-concept and school adaptation of senior high school students

Study on Adolescent Emotional Autonomy and Its Relationship with Family Intimacy

A Study on Anger of College Students and Its Correlation with Personality Characteristics