Is the baby up to standard? One tells you

"Our family's height and weight have been below 50%. It is false to say that we are not worried. "

Body length is indeed an important factor to judge the nutritional and health status of infants. But below 50%, there is no need to "worry"? How to treat the baby's growth curve? How to measure the baby's length correctly? How to help?

Help the baby grow taller? The answer is in the next article.

After the baby is born, it is necessary to have a baby care check every month to measure the baby's length. Mom and dad can make a baby growth curve according to the measured data, and can use the curve of the World Health Organization.

Who length-age growth curve of boys aged 0-2 years.

Who growth curve between body length and age of girls aged 0-2 years.

It is not necessary to reach the midline, and the baby's development is "up to standard"

There are five curves in the WHO growth curve. The middle curve (labeled 0) is the median value, or the average value. This line

Also known as the 50th percentile, which means that all babies have it.

50% is above the median and 50% is below the average. Every baby can draw his own development curve by measuring the values. The growth curve of healthy babies is often basically parallel to the median curve.

Reference Standards for Growth and Development of Children under 7 in China

If you think it is complicated to make a diagram, you can also compare the following data table.

Height of boys under 7 years old (cm)

Height of girls under 7 years old (cm)

Similarly, do not refer to the median, as long as the baby's height is between -2SD and +2SD, it is normal. If the height is less than -2SD, the baby is short; If the height is greater than +2SD, the baby is taller than most peers.

The basic law of body length growth index was born in 1 year, and the baby grows taller every month.

1 year has the fastest growth, with an average growth of 2.5cm in1-June and 1.5cm in July-/February. At the age of one year, it increased by 25cm compared with that at birth, which was about 1.5 times of that at birth;

In the second year after birth, the growth rate of baby's body length began to slow down, and the annual growth rate was only 10- 12 cm.

How to measure the baby's length correctly

Measure the baby's body length while lying down. The most accurate way to measure body length is to use a calibrated body length meter. The length measuring board shall have a fixed head baffle perpendicular to the board surface and a movable foot board.

When measuring, make sure that the baby is not wearing shoes or hats;

Lay the baby flat on the board and let his head rest on the fixed baffle. Straighten the baby's legs and adjust the movable pedal so that the baby's soles are close to the pedal: record the body length, accurate to 0 1 cm.