The difference between an eye technician and an optometrist?

Optometrist: is able to use optometric instruments and auxiliary equipment, glasses for vision examination and refractive error detection, issuing corrective prescriptions, and can operate optical processing machinery and equipment, glasses grinding, processing and maintenance personnel. Generally do not require higher education, secondary school education or above can Core courses: ophthalmology basics, ophthalmic optics basics, clinical optometry basics, eye physiology and optics, ophthalmology, ophthalmic optics and instrumentation. Optometrists qualification is mainly divided into intermediate optometrists qualification and senior optometrists qualification, of which the senior optometrists qualification requires more than 27 years old. The certificates are mainly issued by two departments, one is issued by the health department to issue certificates, such certificates are mainly applicable to hospital ophthalmologists, the other is issued by the labor department, optometrists in optical stores almost always use the documents issued by the labor department. And some organizations now offer correspondence processing for optometrist qualification certificates. Ophthalmic technicians can serve as optometrists, and optometrists may not necessarily serve as ophthalmic technicians. Hospital technician is a title system in hospitals, which is divided into director technician, deputy director technician, supervisor technician, and technologist. Assist doctors to complete some medical work, independently complete the operation of some equipment, no prescription rights.